All posts filed under: flowers and romantic gestures

san francisco gem: the ferry building

I love it when friends show up in town unannounced and beg to spend a day with you.  I really mean it, I do love it, even though it throws me pleasantly off schedule (If that makes sense). Anyway, I got the word my friends were in town at ten in the morning and asked them to meet me at the end of Market Street at noon for lunch.  When I asked, what they wanted to eat, they mentioned Sandwich shops and fast food and I basically rolled my eyes. I pointed to the Ferry Building and asked if they had been there and they both shook their heads NO and so we ventured into one of our proudest conversion of a historic building into an amazing waterfront hangout.

seeking simply therapy at the flower market

Wow, I have to say this week has been a challenge. It happens to the best of us on occassion. But when I came home after work and slept for over twelve hours the other night, I realized I needed something to change the mood I’ve been in. So, on Thursday, I walked to the Flower Mart in San Francisco and admired the array of flowers on display so much that I actually brought some home and I have to tell you, I had forgotten how wonderful flowers make me feel.

wedding day countdown

Tic toc, tic toc is the best I could jot down to express the number of hours and day remaining to the wedding of the century (at least from where I am sitting:) ).  And of course I don’t need to tell anyone, weddings are probably the most stressful thing to experience (I am still trying to figure out why that is) While we plow through the to-do list, I can’t help but go over the details in my head over and over and over again just to make sure we don’t forget anything. Being a wedding planner is a b**** (oops did I say that out loud). Anyway, through photos, I can give a glimps of what goes through my head, even while I am writing this blog entry.

mental therapy: stop and smell the roses

I am not sure if many of you are familiar with the term ‘stop and smell the roses” well if not, just to give you a background. In the US we have alot of sayings to feed the soul but sometimes we forget to practice what we preach. So, after a week of torment and undo stress, I decided last night, even though the weather is the worst in San francisco right now, to take a walk through my favorite neighborhood (Seacliff) and smell the flowers along the way, just to give myself the long overdue mental therapy I so very much deserved. I must say it worked and when I got home and retired for the night, I actually fell asleep and stayed asleep through the entire night. Find something to escape to even if only for a few minutes out of your busy life. I highly recommend it.

springtime in san francisco

On Sunday when I went for my usual walk, I realized that the reason I appreciate Springtime in San Francisco so much, is because we usually miss out on a traditional  Summer in the city due to the heavy fog and cold weather. Springtime in the city, is the only time, we actually experience  warm weather while the days are getting longer. I know we also have, what is famously known as Indian Summer in the Fall, here , but since Fall is normally a prelude to Winter, the days are shorter, so the feeling is not the same psychologically, if you know what I mean? Anyway,  yesterday with Camera in hand, I took some photos of  the first signs of Spring around the city by the bay. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Happy Monday everyone!

inspiration: outdoor special occasion table setting

Call me crazy but I am ready for Spring, although it isn’t officially Spring until around March 22nd, I am ready for it right now. So, as I feel my stress level escalating to code orange from being cooped up indoors most of the day, I have decided to turn to my collection of outdoor special occasion table setting photos  to put a smile back on my face and give me a moment to daydream about Springtime. If you feel like I do today, find something that inspires you  and take a moment to escape mentally.

for the love of cupcakes

What is the craze with cupcakes? I mean they have been around for years but just in the last 5years or so, every woman I can think of considers cupcakes for their get togethers more so than cakes. I suppose they are more fun, less fattening and perfectly sized for most anyone and any occasion – in America that is – just in case everyone else is scratching their heads with what I am stating here. Anyway, I won’t deny it, I love them too and often search for cupcake specialty stores most anywhere I go in the states. My favorite is Sprinkles here and although quiet pricy, they are the best I have ever had, especially on the first day – not so much second day and after. So in light of this subject matter, I have included photos of some of my favorite cupcake decor for your viewing pleasure. Also, please drop me a line with your favorite cupcake speciality store.