All posts tagged: exotic plants

in search of fall colors in san francisco

One of my favorite activities is walking. Of course I do it mostly for exercise but when I am walking in a more leisurely pace, it is so I can just take in the outdoors. Fall is especially a wonderful time to take a leisurely walk, because if you happen to live in a city where the leaves turn color, it is probably one of the most rewarding walks you will experience (at least for me).  However, in San Francisco we are not fortunate enough to experience the fall colors because, outside of the parks, we are mostly treeless and the type of trees we do have, they do not change colors. When I worked at Stanford University six years ago, I had the pleasure of walking the campus every morning before work and in the Fall, I was able to enjoy the colors while I shuffled through the fallen leaves.  As a matter of fact, there are benches strategically placed along tree-lined pathways and if you are bold enough to sit on one of them on …

the french riviera in a nutshell

You’ve seen one, you’ve seen ’em all goes the saying and if I were to sum up my visit to the French Riviera last week, it would be just that (not in a bad way). The French Riviera consists of seven major towns (Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Antibes, Menton, St. Tropez and Saint Raphael) and a dozen or so smaller ” plages” (Sea) access villages from the Cote D’Azur shuttle train. If you happen to have a Multi-country railpass (which includes France) or a French railpass, you can have unlimited rides on the Cote D’Azur shuttle train between the towns and the beaches. Our plan was to stay in Cannes for several days while we touched up on the towns to the west of it and then move to Nice for a few more days in order to access the towns on the East of Nice. So while in Cannes, we hit up Saint Raphael, St. Tropez and Antibes and when we stayed in Nice we touched up on Monaco/Monte Carlo, Villafranche Sur Mer and hopped over …

getty museum garden envy

Nature, gardens, plants, trees and flowers, you name it and I am there to enjoy it and take pictures of. One place I completely love to visit is the Getty Center (Museum) Gardens in Los Angeles. It’s an inspirational place to say the least and an extra ordinary maze to walk through while enjoying over 134,00 square feet of pathways lined with exotic, amazing, colorful, beautiful plants, flowers and trees as well as streams of waters flowing down toward a neatly arranged sitting area under Bougainvillea vines intertwined inside several oversized wicker planters. Everywhere you look, there is another rare flower in bloom and foliage in every shape, size, and color imaginable. Each plant is so strategically planted in order to get the proper light or shade necessary  for them to flourish to their full potential. There is nothing out-of-place and not a scent too strong. The feeling one gets walking about the gardens is unexplainable and yet recommended for everyone to experience at least once in their lifetime. What I also find fascinating is  watching …